Cooking time: 3 hrs

Serves: 4-6


-300g whipping cream

-200g whole milk

-4 gelatine leaves. Platinum. dr Onkar

-50g caster sugar. A

-1 vanilla pod.

-200g raspberries

-200g strawberries

-50g caster sugar. B

-1 lemon


-Soak your gelatin leaves in ice water for 10 to 15 minutes until bloomed. In a medium saucepan bring to the boil your whipping cream, whole milk, caster sugar, and half of your scraped vanilla pod, set aside and stir in the bloomed gelatin leaves, then pour into your moulds and set in the fridge for 3 to 4 hours.

-in the meantime pour your sugar over your prepped strawberries and raspberries with the other half of the vanilla pod and a half of the zest of lemon.

-After 20 minutes of maceration, pour into a hot nonstick frying pan and sauté for 3 to 4 minutes until a loose coolie consistency is achieved set in a bowl in the fridge too Chill.

-turn out your puddings and serve.


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